If you have had a session, and want to share your experience to help others to determine if this facilitation is resonant for them, please email a description of your experience, the session type, and whether it was an in-person or distance session, your city, and the date of your session. Only your initials and city are used unless you designate "anonymous".
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Distance session experience - DNA Dimensional Patterns:
As a beneficiary in the past of energy and Pranic Healing sessions with Larry, I jumped at the opportunity to participate in a remote session with his newest modality, DNA Dimensional Patterns. As someone who believes that we are multi-dimensional beings and the uneasy feelings I experience today could be signaled from my essence in other dimensions, I welcomed the opportunity to try this new modality in an effort to achieve an increased sense of inner peace. Rather than reveal the process, I’d like to present what it felt like and the breakthrough achieved. It felt like when you put in place the final piece in a massive jigsaw puzzle and can see the totality of the complexity you’d been dealing with. There literally was my “aha” moment when the emotional pain I had experienced my whole life was put into the context of the conscious decisions I had made in this life to aid others who could not sense their own luminous inner light. I could finally love myself for seeing how I had turned the lessons from a lifetime of pain into something that positively impacted the lives of others. While this outcome is specific to me, I would not have had this breakthrough if not for this modality. I cannot recommend Larry and DNA Dimensional Patterns, specifically, enough.
October 2019
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Pranic Healing session experience:
"I have known Larry for years and have seen him for physical issues and emotional issues. Over the years, I have been to many different healers of different kinds, but I can honestly say none have resulted in the quality and lasting effects that I have had after having sessions with Larry. He is deeply intuitive and very heart centered. Many of my physical issues were long standing and I have not had them return. The emotional issues have largely been around anxiety that I have suffered since my early twenties. Again, I have found a strong sense of safety and security. I continue to practice the suggestions he gave me and the benefits just continue to increase.
Thank you Larry and much love,
Josephine L.
P.S. A family member went to see Larry 4 years ago for chronic pain related to post
herpetic neuralgia. He has yet to have the pain to return. Better to say a different way: it will never return!"
J.L. - Austin, TX - August 2017
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Pranic Healing session experience:
"So, I wanted to give you feedback from our session on Sunday:
Although each session has been a great experience, this last one seems to have the most tangible results for me - which, so far, are still "lasting"
:-) Not sure whether that's a true measure of success; but, nonetheless it is indeed something I can share - -
My headache was indeed gone within an hour of our session! I continue to practice - 'connecting to my heart center' and I really do love that practice. Its a way of visually dumping the old and filling/replacing with a new peaceful feeling. Its my new go-to 'grounding' practice. And the funny thing about this is that I initially wanted to keep practicing "connecting to my heart center" for when the headache would show up again - and then realized that flawed thinking lol! How habitual I can be....
The sadness, that seemed to be so deep-rooted and gripping, has certainly dissipated and doesn't exist since the session. I've encountered a few thoughts that I readily identify as habitual thinking which, in the past, may have triggered that sadness, and even though I recognized the thoughts at the time, no sadness accompanied it. The thoughts were seemingly empty of emotion. I'm humbly grateful and giving thanks to my non-physical assistance for this experience, since this is a pretty profound result for me.
It feels like a reset - for which I'm so appreciative. I've been asking to be opened, and willing to release all that doesn't serve me, and its been a bit "deep"; so, that may have been the work I needed to do to bring up that 'schtuff' so it could be released. And today, STILL, it feels to be released.
I appreciate your gift and am so grateful that you share it....thank you!"
Anonymous - Lafayette, Louisiana - April 2017
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Distance session experience - Pranic Healing:
"Hi Larry, I wanted to give you some feedback from our session now that I have had some time to process it. First off, I felt very well during the session, light and pain free. That evening I had a very clear dream about a power animal, very potent and clear. Lastly, I feel stronger overall, less tolerant, perhaps less victimized, by other people's behaviour. Really a remarkable accomplishment in one session. Thank you for your wonderful work. It has made a difference in my life."
Anonymous client - Canada - September 2016
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Distance session experience - Pranic Healing:
"Good morning Larry. I just want to follow up and say thank you again. I did feel a lot happening in my chest during our session, but I thought it was anxiety so I didn’t say this when you asked. My stomach is not hurting today though so I did want to mention. And my stomach typically hurts just below my ribs so it does radiate to my chest and back quite often. I also definitely felt the disconnect at the end of the session. It felt like snapping out of a deep sleep. I also felt that from my chest/heart center. I’ve had a lot of discomfort that has moved around to various spots, but I’ve just “sat” in it and focused on letting it go, thanking it for teaching me, then let it go forever. I do feel I’m making progress. My knee is certainly better today too after much issue for a couple of hours yesterday. Hope you have a blessed weekend."
T.S. - Lafayette, LA - July 2016
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Pranic Healing session experience:
"Hi Larry, I wanted to give you an update. Larry, there is a deep happiness that has shown up in my body & boy O boy does that feel good! I feel empowered. Things that felt overwhelming and futile--don't feel that way anymore. Really a good, solid, complete feeling has come over me. Our session was Thursday 11 a.m.... I felt both my legs releasing non-stop till Saturday evening. I then went out and had some alcohol. Not sure if that stopped it, but I didn't notice energy movement till Monday morning. When again, both legs were releasing energy. Thank you for such a great session."
I.M. - U.S.A. - April 2016
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"Thank you Larry! I feel great and so centered, amazing work :-)"
S.M. - Lafayette, LA - February 2014
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"I feel like a new person today!!! :)"
G.W. - Lafayette, LA - February 2014
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"Hi, Larry. Just wanted to thank you for my recent session and its lasting affects. My energies have been mostly positive, seemingly balanced and I have rekindled the frequency of meditation, trying to maintain the uplifting and beneficial energies experienced in the session. I have tried to incorporate the heart energy field more often, sending the pink light energy and other "possibilites in energies that serve" to many people. Feels good to do so. I do falter and still can experience the reactive mind, but you have given me new tools to work with and they are working for me!
I know I'll schedule another session eventually, but for now, thanks again!"
C.C. - Austin, TX
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"I feel like I've accomplished in 6 months what might have taken a year or more in traditional therapy to address. Larry's gentle, accepting, non-judgmental presence is therapeutic in and of itself, add to that his trust of his guides, intuition, and his inner knowing and he is one powerful instrument for healing. I am a psychotherapist, have done years of working on myself and working with clients - when I'm stuck I think of Larry, ground myself, drop into my heart, ask, and let go. It works. I refer my friends, and, when appropriate, my clients. Personally, I think the work Larry does is amazing and he is a very gifted healer. My life is so much better because of the "work" we have done together - clearing out old patterns, learning to trust myself, find my "voice" and gain the courage to live my life more authentically. Additionally, my partner and I found a couples session to be very helpful in assisting us to remember our own heart connection to each other and to focus on what we are committed to in our relationship. Thank you, Larry! I look forward to our "work" continuing."
A.D. - Louisiana
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"Larry's energy transformation cleared me of what is not mine and not my journey. I am free to let go with love and possibility. Oh, the joy of that freedom!"
C.F. - Louisiana
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"Recently I was feeling disconnected from my own spirit. I was feeling lost, unable to see where I was going, yet only a few weeks before I had such clarity. I tried various ways to connect again with my higher self but felt the need for some intervention from another healer. I met with Larry and almost instantly began to feel my body humming. Being in his presence really lifted my vibration. As time went on the humming became a burning sensation on my skin, it wasn’t uncomfortable, and I was amazed at what I was feeling. Shortly after this I felt sleepy so I closed my eyes, and as Larry placed rocks and crystals around me, I felt wave after wave of goose bumps go through my body from the top of my head right down to my feet. I have never before felt such strong energy flow through me. I could feel the presence of my guardian angels and other spirits also watching over this session. I had the vision of my higher self sleeping and when a loud gong sounded, I saw myself wake up. At the end of the session, I couldn’t stop smiling, the feeling of contentment and love is so fulfilling. Thank you Larry for helping me reconnect to my spirit, and I wish everyone could experience the wonderful healing that I had that day."
E.H. - Louisiana
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"I began a spiritual partnership with Larry several months ago. The huge shifts in consciousness and transformations of my spirit from my sessions with Larry, greatly eclipses any other work I've done through years of reading self help books and years of therapy. The work with Larry has given me the balance and perspective that my life was wanting. He has guided me from my mind based reality to a more loving heart based one. His work with me has given me the the insight to approach my life from a kinder more loving place. He has taught me to take my focus from the ever critical mind to the heart center where the truth flows in, as a gentle loving guide. The guidance and techniques he's given me have provided me with what I needed and desired to create a more joyous and self satisfying life. Larry speaks and guides through his heart. He has the incredible gift of being able to listen and advise without judgment or preconceived notions about the human spirit. He has taught me to listen to my own inner guide and develop the guidance system that is helping me choose the natural path for my life. The freedom and calmness I am experiencing now is new and exciting. Anonymously, a grateful client"
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"Hi Larry, Ok here's some feedback for you - I have begun working on the book again! It is taking on a whole new structure. I feel clear, released, energized, excited, and have my joy and vision back about my life and this project. Thank you so much. Bless you and the work you are doing."
A.A. - Louisiana
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"As a result of a car accident, I have had chronic problems with TMJ for many years. Because the injuries were so severe, an oral surgeon told me that the only way to address this was through surgery. I am scared to death of surgery and decided on other approaches such as acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractic, dental (night guard apparatus), anti-inflammatory meds, herbal remedies, and nutritional supplements, etc. I was able to get into a place that was relatively pain free. However, after a couple of weeks after stopping these therapies, the TMJ symptoms reoccurred such as headaches, limited jaw movement, neck and shoulder pain, and depleted energy due to chronic pain. I believe in all of these therapies, but felt there was something inside of me that prevented me from complete wellness and I didn’t feel that surgery was the answer. As I was headed for the familiar cycle of making another appointment with one of my therapies, I decided to schedule a session of Matrix Energetics with Larry. To be honest, I wasn’t very optimistic, as I have learned to “live” with this condition. During the session, I felt a distinct sense of peace, balance, and fluidity. What I have noticed since is that I am pain free. No more Advil. No more managing the pain. No more night guard. Lots more energy. I continue to be surprised and delighted with the results after only one session."
T.L.B. - Austin, Texas
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"I have known Larry for about 2 years and in that time we have had the opportunity to study and work together in the energetic Healing arts. His ability to tap into the “field/fields” was demonstrated upon me last night in such a powerful way that I feel compelled to share my experience.
During one of our local Matrix Practice group sessions, I asked Larry to work on me. It had been 2 weeks since I went through a very intense emotional event. The event was so disturbing that the following day I felt as though I had shifted into a different reality to where things were very negative in many ways. Everything I saw, heard or felt was heavy and full of negative charge. (Which is very unusual for me as I tend to be quite upbeat and positive) This shift had plagued me for days before we met that evening. When we began to engage the “Matrix,” I could only describe the energy field around my body as heavy, negative, and draining, and I felt as if I was running at 30% energetically. As soon as Larry locked on to whatever “it” was, he began to involuntarily transform into what I can only describe as a Shaman. Moving around me, circling arms and hands, sweeping around my body 2-3 feet off my physical body while forcefully blowing focused breath toward me as he did so. I opened my eyes to see him working in a way I have never seen anyone do so. I began to feel as though I was under a waterfall as the heaviness drained out of my existence and was absorbed into the Earth in a gentle way. My whole body vibrated as this was going on to eventual subside and leaving me with a calm peaceful lightened sense of existence. It was gone; all of the heavy dark brownish “muck” was dissolved. I felt like a new person. I was relaxed and calm but my energy level was back up 110%! As I got up this morning the feeling is continuing. A major clearing was accomplished with Larry’s assistance. It was not surprising to me that Larry would be able to assist me in shaking that “stuff”, whatever it was. What amazed me as to how he has the ability to shift into whatever modality that is needed at any given encounter. I have no doubt in my mind that what I witnessed was a transformation of Larry into a vessel for a very powerful Shaman to come in and work with us/for us. It was truly one of the most amazing sessions I have ever been a part of. If you are considering working with someone at an energetic/spiritual level, I can personally recommend Larry wholeheartedly. He is truly a worker of/with spirit. Thank you again Brother,"
G.T. - Austin, TX
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"My odds of crossing paths with Larry and Matrix Energetics are probably in the same range as winning the Texas lottery. Putting it another way, it wasn't me who chose to make this connection; I was guided to this energy from above. For the most part of my life I have felt a decent connection with God/The Source/The Creator/Energy that created everything we perceive. And at various distinct junctures in my life I have fostered this relationship. However, this connection was about to morph to a different level. One random day, while reading a book review on Amazon, I somehow got forcefully pulled towards a particular review which had a link to a Matrix Energetics book. After I checked this out, I swayed way to other books only to find myself returning and reconnecting with this book in a unusual manner. Less than 5 minutes later I connected with Larry via my first google search. Two days thereafter I had the most profound experience in my life in a session with Larry. What that experience is like cannot be articulated in language. All I can reveal is there is Energy way beyond our human understanding and I was able to get in touch with it; almost fell one with it. Right after the session, I remember vividly being the happiest man alive."
A.A. - Austin, Texas
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"Larry brings with him a profound respect for the human spirit as well as a deeply honed compassion and skill. My work with him has brought me from a place of deep pain and despair to a broader world filled with hope and possibility. My experience of Larry is that he is a champion of kindness and integrity. As a practitioner, he helps to create a safe zone where the client can feel comfortable to explore new depths. I feel grateful to have been in his presence and always look forward to my next session with him."
K.G. - Louisiana
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"Agitated, angry, frustrated, and in fear, after a day of being harassed and maligned by a business associate, I arrived at the Begnaud’s house for dinner. Unable to shake off my feelings of contamination, Larry offered to do some energy work on me. I knew nothing of his training, but I know Larry Begnaud. This is no woo-woo kind of guy. His feet are firmly planted on the ground. He does nothing that he hasn’t thoroughly researched, tested, found to be true and then and only then does he give himself over whole-heartedly to the endeavor. He lives, eats, and breathes it, internalizes it, sculpts it until it is his own. However, I, being the quintessential skeptic, thought what the hell, I’ll just let him practice on me. After all, they are feeding me and probably sick of hearing me rant and rave. Moments into the session, I began to feel lighter both physically and emotionally. By the end of the session, which was probably only five to ten minutes, I had a complete release. The image that came to me was a gush of water coming up through my feet, flushing through my body and out the top of my head (sort of a psychic enema). It was as if those events of the day hadn’t happened or that my body and psyche had forgotten about it, except that a solution had suddenly occurred to me, and I knew on a gut level that this person (business associate) would never again be a problem to me. My skeptic silenced, freedom from my emotional whiplashing, and a great dinner all in one fell swoop was almost too much for this old cynic to bear. Nonetheless, I know where to go now for a psychic tune-up or when my demons are knocking at my door."
M.C.Z. - Louisiana
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