Welcome to Awakened Self Empowerment



🔴 Session Scheduling beginning January 6, 2025


I am resuming session scheduling beginning Monday, January 6, 2025.


- Session start times are between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm EST.


- Session start times are NOT available after 4:00 pm EST


- Occasionally, I have family responsibilities that limit my availability for sessions. I will post these specific schedules here when they occur.

🔹 Due to a family responsibility, I am not available for sessions from 3/5/25 through 3/9/25. 


Wishing everyone a healthy, peaceful, and empowered 2025.


Larry  🌞



Disclaimer and participation notice:

I, Larry J. Begnaud, am not a medical doctor or psychotherapist, and therefore I do not prescribe or recommend any choice or decision to replace any medications or professional mental health treatments with modalities or information described in this website or in an Awakened Self Empowerment session. You should always consult your health professional before changing any medicines or treatments. The transformation approach described in this website and/or in a session might be useful to some individuals and not useful to others, as we are all built differently and uniquely (physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically). Therefore, as you proceed to read the information on this website and/or participate in an Awakened Self Empowerment session, you take full responsibility for viewing the information and participating in an Awakened Self Empowerment session, regardless of the perceived results or perceived lack of results from viewing the website or participating in a session. For more information about this statement and your participation, please click on the following link: Disclaimer



For any inner connection method stated below, do not connect inwardly or to the heart energy field while driving, operating machinery, or participating in tasks requiring your full outward attention. 


You are a soul-spirit-consciousness being with a human body.


This website and session facilitation is provided to assist anyone who desires to become more consciously awakened to greater empowerment and expanded awareness via an inner connection, a conscious connection to your non-physical self via the heart center located in the middle of your chest.


Soul Frequency Attunement ©


This type of facilitation is generally known as coaching/energy facilitation, and there are many types of coaching/energy facilitation modalities. I refer to coaching/energy facilitation as soul frequency attunement, working with the vibration energies of your integrated non-physical and physical selves that are unique to you for the purpose of transforming your vibration energies to maintain and/or change states of being for optimum health, useful conscious creating, and expanding your consciousness for greater self empowerment and enhanced conscious soul learning in your daily life in your unique soul learning journey.


This ability is available within every person, if a person is ready to choose to access it and its expansive power, depending on where a person is in their soul learning journey. 


Because all humans are built differently physically, mentally/emotionally, and energetically, and in accordance with their soul learning journey, not all humans are ready to consciously connect inwardly with themselves in the ways described below and in this website. If the information described below and on this website does not resonate with you as a possibility for how you want to create your life, then ignore the content.


There is no judgment about where a person is in their soul learning journey because each person is a unique soul and is doing the best they can with what they have, and in accordance with what and how each soul is here to learn in this life.


If this approach does not resonate with you, at some point in your life, you might change in a way that enables you to be open to exploring this information and this type of self empowerment in your own way.


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Not everyone is aware that an inner connection is possible or is open to creating life in this way. However, if you know or feel that there is more to life than just what your five senses, past experiences, and past conditioning show you, then you might be open to consciously connecting inwardly (heart center in the middle of your chest) in the moment to create the life you want.


Accessing this ability and state of being requires consciously letting go of the automatic and habitual reliance on past experiences via the ego-intellect as the sole approach in processing and creating current experiences.


In other words, by consciously changing your awareness in the moment, from your default outward awareness to an inner awareness, you can integrate more of your unlimited inner presence in your every day life for accessing greater potentials for creating the life you want, supporting desired physical conditions in the body, and changing your mental and emotional states of being to support a more easeful, peaceful, and empowering state of being every day in physical reality.


You are a physical being (your body and five senses) and a non-physical being (your spirit, soul, consciousness), and being both physical and non-physical, you can access the intelligence-consciousness that resides in your body and in the energy fields (inside and around your body) that are a part of you.


As a human on a unique soul learning journey, one of your points of soul learning is discovering that you are more than a physical being with five senses and a mind (ego-intellect), as you are also a non-physical being (soul, spirit, consciousness) with the ability to change your reality creation via directing your ego-intellect to connect inwardly (heart center in the middle of your chest) to access and intend your non-physical self to create what you need in physical reality and in non-physical reality (the non-physical aspects of yourself that are resonant with your soul/spirit and electro-magnetic energies).


We are not taught in our developmental years how to access this dynamic presence that lies within every human, and any moment in one's life is a good time to begin learning how to access this mostly untapped innate presence, power, and intelligence.


Due to our conditioning to perceive physical reality as the only source of reality that is available to us for creating what we want and need, most of us have not learned of our untapped potential of our non-physical aspect (soul, spirit, consciousness) for integrating into our physical reality for greater potential for creating and learning (integration of soul learning and physical reality learning).


Your intuition is the communication link between your non-physical self and your physical self. So, how do you enhance your ability to access your intuition more frequently and possibly even have it more present in your life without having to consciously access it?


Participating in consciously accessing your inner self via changing your focus and awareness from an outward directed presence to an inward directed presence (via the heart center at the center of your chest) on a regular basis can enhance the presence of your intuition.


We are all built differently and uniquely, physically and non-physically (soul, spirit, consciousness, and non-physical electromagnetic signature of the body), and as such, each human creates differently physically and non-physically. 


How we are built differently and uniquely (physically and energetically) is directly related to the nature of our unique soul learning in this life, and no two soul learning journeys are the same.

A soul (core presence of a person) is never the same at any given moment due to the moment to moment learning, which means we, in our physical reality, are never the same from moment to moment; our past conditioning limits our ability to perceive this, but this can be changed.


By consciously accessing our inner non-physical self by shifting our awareness inwardly (heart center, or an energy center of the body that enables you to access a deeper state of awareness), we have the opportunity to create through intention, visualization, and inner dialog (information feedback system) for what we want and need, which is not based in willfulness, judgment, and the need to control, but based in stating an intention via an inner connection, and then letting go and trusting in what shows up as intuitive guidance, and then responding to that intuitive guidance for what is needed from you in your creation.


This approach to living enables consciously accessing the Creator State of Being that lives in you as an integrated physical and non-physical being and without the limitations and judgments of the ego-intellect-mind.


As long as your intention to connect inwardly (in the heart center) is based in infinite unconditional love (which already exist within you), you will access only creations that serve you and others in this way.


This type of creating and learning is different from the ego-intellect’s need to control and just fix something, and then get back to “normal,” and move on without learning about the deeper purpose of why the experience (problem or challenge) showed up for you.


This type of creating and learning usually includes awareness of how and why you did what you did, and to see if your perceptions, thoughts, and feelings are ready for transformation into something more useful and easeful in how you process and create your experiences. 


The difference in creating via an inner connection as opposed to traditional creating via only the ego-intellect-mind (focused only on outward perceptions, past experiences, judgments, and the need to control) is the inner connection enables you to let go of the limitations of the mind, emotions, and reliance on past experiences and judgments, and then through a simple intention of stating what you want or need (or asking an open-ended question), the energetics of your entire being via conscious intention initiates the creation, which then manifests when and how it serves you best.


In time, you will understand more about what "when and how it serves you best" means in context to yourself as a soul/spirit/consciousness in a physical reality as you regularly connect inwardly. Our conditioning of immediate gratification reinforces our conditioning of needing to control all situations, and therefore, we do not perceive the awareness that can support the required spiritual patience to be in alignment with the soul learning process that is emerging.   


The traditional approach of creating via the ego-intellect-mind, based mostly on past experiences and conditioned judgments and willing something into creation, is based in repeated efforts in willing and controlling, which not only takes more effort, time, and energy, but does not always yield the results expected and can result in chaos because your awareness is limited to only what worked in your past experiences and within your conditioned judgments. This sets up disappointment, feelings of failure, and other conflicting emotions when the ego-intellect’s perception about the ability to control a situation is not achieved and immediate gratification is denied. 


When in an ego-intellect controlling/judging mode, you are less likely to perceive the intuitions that can be coming through to your outer awareness because you are set on controlling the situation instead of receiving intuitive information that would directly support what you are wanting and needing and in a more easeful way.


Typically, the state of being for accessing intuition is the opposite of the state of being when you're trying to control a situation via willing something into being.  


With creating via an inner connection also comes the awareness that you are more than just the ego-intellect and a repository of past experiences from which you create. 


You are, in many ways, limitless if you allow your trust in your inner connection to your inner intelligence to guide you to access what you are needing in the moment and in the future. 


Allowing your inner directed awareness to create in this way requires trust and letting go—trust in the inner process based in faith that you will be shown via intuition the results you need, and you consciously letting go of the traditional directives received from the mind-ego-intellect based in past experiences, limiting judgments, and the need to control things (which is the opposite of inwardly accessing resonance with a creation and learning from this creation).


The more you use this approach to creating and learning at the soul and physical levels, you will soon become aware that many of your conditioned judgments will be challenged, and you will be shown pathways to transforming these judgments into objective points of view so that you can access more possibilities that aren't hindered by the energetics of old conditioned and limiting judgments that are based on the limitations of past experiences. 


This can be challenging in the beginning, but the more you use this approach for creating, the greater the trust, letting go, and ability to connect inwardly without the usual mental chaos, limiting judgments, and associated emotions from patterns of the mind-ego-intellect. 


Another way to think about "trusting and letting go" after creating something from an inner connection is "I'm letting what I need come to me now", which might be less mentally challenging for those who feel a strong need to control every aspect of creating.


Use this approach to creating in simple ways so that you can become more aware of how you operate while engaged in this way of creating.


And, when you see how you perceive, think, and feel in this approach to creating (living) and see the results of creating and being in this way, you receive intuition, inspiration, and momentum to continue creating and being in this way.


It's a process.


Start small.


Nurture your progress.


Deepen your commitment as results validate your efforts.


This approach is not associated with any religion or spiritual practice, however, this approach can be integrated into any religious practice, spiritual practice, or consciousness explorations.


This approach is about becoming more deeply human on broader levels and using your untapped potentials for being and creating, and in a more easeful, peaceful way, with more inward self awareness, intuition, and less limiting judgments, all contributing to greater awakened self empowerment on many expanding levels. 


When you transform yourself in this way, you directly contribute to the uplifting of everyone you come in contact with and to the uplifting of all humanity because we are all connected.



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Awakened Self Empowerment as a daily tool


The purpose of facilitating Awakened Self Empowerment is two-fold:

  • Provide sessions for transforming energies and states of being that awaken deeper levels of empowerment and expanded consciousness.

    If you are already doing your inner work and are committed to making necessary changes in your awareness, perceptions, thoughts, and feelings, you will greatly benefit from becoming more self aware of conscious choice in the moment, in more and more moments in your life. This is key to your expanding awakened self empowerment: becoming consciously aware of choice in more and more moments and being self aware in a moment that you have the choice to:
    1) repeat the same choices based in past experiences, OR
    2) consciously direct your awareness inwardly for accessing new possibilities that would not be available if relying solely on past experiences.

    A session is not a magic wand that exempts you from your conscious participation in your soul learning journey. A session can assist you greatly in creating the inner and outer changes you need for creating a life of greater peace, ease, awareness, and empowerment.

  • Teach you how to become more self aware of your ability to create your life as an empowered Creator being via your conscious choice to connect inwardly to create what you want (transform energies, create what you desire that is uplifting, connect to your true nature), which stimulates the presence of intuition from which you receive inner guidance.


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Awakened Self Empowerment session


Prior to your session, it is recommended that you send the facilitator a short list of your session intentions (things you want to change, create).


This is not required but does help you to connect to the energies of what will be transformed and can actually start the transformation process prior to your session.


What are your expectations for the results of your session? 


Are you open to connecting inwardly via the heart center to state intentions for what you need, and then hold presence for those intentions, accepting that your intentions will manifest when and how it serves you best?


Are you open to expanding your daily awareness beyond how you were conditioned and beyond your past experiences? 


Are you open to accepting daily that you are both a non-physical being (spirit-soul-consciousness) and a physical being and as such you have the ability to access and integrate the empowerment of your deepest self into daily physical reality?


Are you open to accepting all parts of yourself with less judgment as you proceed in expanding your awareness for greater empowerment via connecting inwardly?


Most sessions begin with the facilitator assisting you to connect inwardly (heart center, or other energy centers) and become more self aware than what you usually access in your day.


Then, you can discuss and elaborate on the session intentions you submitted.


The true purpose of discussing your intentions is for you to bring up the energies of these issues so that you can begin initiating alignments and resonances that are in sync with your body's intelligence, the intelligence of your non-physical self, and the intelligence of your energetic fields. This also includes connecting with yourself in a less judgmental way and bring yourself more deeply into self acceptance and unconditional love. 


While you discuss your intentions, you are connecting to deeper parts of yourself and the energetic transformations are actively in process (which you might or might not detect). During the discussion, the facilitator is guided, via intuition, to use different methods from various modalities without interrupting the discussion, all based in Infinite Unconditional Love and the light of Infinite Unconditional Love.


Lengthy discussions are not required for you to transform, shift, and change. In this case, more is not always better. Generally, just stating your purpose for having the session and stating your openness and intentions for change is enough to begin the session.


Usually, the session is complete when the discussion of session intentions is completed, or when your transforming energies have reached a point of resolution that will be detectable by you and the facilitator.


The primary purpose in discussing your life experiences in a session is to address the energies that show up for transformation. In a session, your life stories are important, but only relative to revealing your energetics that are ready to be transformed. After your session, it is recommended that you don't mentally revisit the issues that were addressed energetically in your session. Trust in yourself and your process and give yourself time to process the energetic transformations that were initiated in your session. The resolution of these energies will result in the resolution of your mental/emotional/life issues. Be patient, and give it time.


After the session, it is recommended that you stay hydrated with water for the next three to four days. Processing your body's energies has a similar effect on the body's hydration as when performing rigorous exercise. Your body uses more water than usual when processing changing energies, which directly affects your body. All parts of you, non-physical and physical, are connected. And, maintaining your level of optimum hydration is important for all body, mental, and energy functioning, and not only after a session, but as a daily health regimen. 


After your session, it is beneficial to give yourself at least three days to process the energetics of your session without pursuing any other energy work modalities during this period. 



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Scheduling a session


For information about scheduling a session, click on the following link:

Distance Sessions


Session start times are between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm EST.



Session start times are NOT available after 4:00 pm EST.


For information about fees, click on the following link:



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Thank you, 

Larry J. Begnaud





Disclaimer for Awakened Self Empowerment LLC


©  2009-2025 Awakened Self Empowerment LLC




Connect to your Empowered Self via the heart center to access:

conscious awareness,

conscious choiceand non-judgment, for connecting to your essence as an

Empowered Being for creating the life you want, replacing the automatic and habitual mode of operating from the limiting patterns you inherited or learned. 


      Phone: 512 965 2149




Zoom ID: lbegnaud1@gmail.com


North Carolina